segunda-feira, 15 de setembro de 2008

The power and the majesty of God

"The Lord reigns! He is robed in majesty, the Lord is robed, he wears strength around his waist. Indeed, the world is established, it cannot be moved. Your throne has been secure from ancient times; you have always been king. The waves roar, O Lord, the waves roar, the waves roar and crash. Above the sound of the surging water, and the mighty waves of the sea, the Lord sits enthroned in majesty. The rules you set down are completely reliable. Holiness aptly adorns your house, O Lord, forever".
Psalms 93:1-5

quarta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2008

Listen with wisdom

"Wisdom gives a wise person more protection than ten rulers in a city. For there is not one truly righteous person on the earth who continually does good and never sins. Also, do not pay attention to everything that people say; otherwise, you might even hear your servant cursing you. For you know in your own heart that you also have cursed others many times".
Ecclesiates 7:19-22